The purpose of this association is to hold an annual sale to market horses of association members.
Ten ranchers who each paid $100 membership fee originated membership. Any new members shall be admitted by two-thirds vote of existing members, and a member may be expelled by two-thirds vote of existing members. One vote per membership - nontransferable. Annual membership fee of $100 - nonrefundable, due July 1st.
Any horse not raised by a member must have been owned by that member for at least six months.
Horse must be registered in member's name to prove ownership.
All weanlings, yearling or non-riding horses must be halter broke and lead through the sale ring. (Exception, brood mares).
Broodmares must be sound breeders.
Aged stallions must be sound breeders.
Riding horses must be guaranteed sound.
Each member is responsible for getting their own horses through the sale ring and each horse must go through the sale ring.
Member may set a reserve price for a horse.
Member may sell out back AFTER going through the sale ring.
Must provide original papers and signed transfer.
The sale will be for approximately 100 head of horses and sale slots will be prorated by the number of members. (Approx. 8 slots per member).
Any open slots will be assigned by majority vote.
In the event any member's horse is returned after the sale, within 72 hours, that member shall return the purchase price to the buyer unless there are extenuating circumstances. These situations will be handled in the manner stated under Disputes in the Terms and Conditions.
HPRBA Members will be required to sign a Consignor's Contract and will be held accountable to the terms and conditions of that contract.